Folks, one of these days I will blog about something else besides the book that I'm pimping like the dickens. But until that sad, sad day, I'll find some reason, however dubious and downright offensive, to flog this terrible/wonderful chunk of literature.
My dear friend Sarah Pasell was the official TiT photographer and she got some great pics of the proceedings (in a VERY dimly lit room) before it devolved into a desperate and sweaty display of human nudity.
This crowd is thirsty.
Kristen Elde reading about boobs.
Is that Rachel Roth over there on the right? I think it is. Thanks for the cake, Roth. It's dank.
Sarah just told me she heard that Lady Gaga and Kate Perry are cutting each other in the hallway. (It ended up being just two drag queens fighting over a wig.)
A rare sighting of Jimmy out in the wild.
Edmund II playing some lovely tunes from his forthcoming CD "Floating Monk."
Stone cold readin'.
Pull back and.....scene!
Thanks for coming everyone! For real, it was an awesome evening and I hope you had fun. Happy reading!
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