Monday, March 26, 2012

Holy Crap, Tune in Tokyo Hit #1 on Amazon UK's Kindle List!

Wow, this was a surprise for the ages. I'm big in England! Or rather, I was fleetingly big in England last Thursday. By the time I found out about it on Friday I was down to #6 and I've been dropping ever since. (Right now I'm #85.) Still, being #1 on this list means I was, for a short time, ahead of Hunger Games! What is the world coming to? I don't even kill any children with a bow and arrow in my book. (Next one, maybe?)

How did it happen? Apparently TiT was a "Daily Deal" or something last week, chosen by the Kindle editors. So it was discounted somewhat. And people love cheap things, especially British people, because powdered wigs are expensive. So hooray for e-coupons or whatever!

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Authors Speak Podcast Interview w/ Yours Truly

Listen to internet radio with theauthorsspeakXcom on Blog Talk Radio

On Saturday I had the pleasure of speaking with Eric Mays of The Authors Speak podcast about my book Tune in Tokyo: The Gaijin Diaries. He liked it! It was a fun conversation, though I must apologize for all the "uh"s and "kind of"s and such. Takes me a while to get to some of my points, but I do think I get to most of them. And who doesn't like to take the scenic route? Okay, most people, but give me a break, it was my first live interview! And I managed to get through it without calling Eric a slut or a prostitute, which I consider a victory.

Anyway, thanks, Eric!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Advocate Reviews Tune in Tokyo!

Well this is a thrill. America's oldest gay magazine, The Advocate, has given Tune in Tokyo a great review. I came of age reading this magazine (well, flipping through it in hopes of finding dirty pictures), so I'm so excited they've given me a shout out. :)

Tune in Tokyo Reviewed on a Website Called City Book Review (??)

Hey, I'll take it! Didn't even know this was happening, but then it turned up in my Google alert.